Saturday, March 04, 2006


We're the flu family today. I started feeling ill yesterday afternoon - Oz was having another bad day - very weepy and clingy - felt awful leaving him to go and teach. I got through the morning but by about 4pm was aching and bunged up.

This morning it was very hard to get out of bed. I spent the morning lying on the sofa watching Oscar who was lying on the floor watching TV.Rob was in bed. I went back to bed once Rob got up - afer abour half an hour so did Oz. So did Rob! Luckily my mother came over and held the fort for the mid morning to afternoon period while Rob and I collapsed in bed. Oscar slept some more in the afternoon.

It's a horrible fluey cold thing - makes you feel wretched and tired and sore and miserable. I'm about to glug some night nurse and head back to bed - Oscar is coughing so much tonight - not sure how much sleep we'll get.

Damn germs!


Anonymous said...

Parallel lives, my friend. I've had the flu, too. So sorry your whole crew is dealing with it and I hope it passes soon.

So long, farewell! said...

Hope you feel better soon petal - I've just had that lurgy just as soon as I got over the op and it makes you feel just crud :o(


Anonymous said...

My sympathies Sal. Im just on the road to recovery after almost a week of it. It sure is the pits. Thankgod for kind relatives. Hope you all feel better very soon xxxxxx

Dixie said...

Bless your hearts! I hope this flu thing is gone soon!

Nic said...

Get well soon! Yay to SuperGran for coming and looking after Oscar.