Thursday, December 29, 2005

Naughty Oscar

I don't know what's been up with him today but he's been possesed by the naughty fairy. He's been grumpy and crotchety - throwing things. Whining.

Then the classic - I was in the kitchen making soup when I heard him bashing the phone. So I went in and put it back where it was - on the windowsill (damn that climbing baby). I heard there was a message on my voicemail (it plays a broken dial tone so I can tell) and it's Lewisham Police Department - Oscar has dialled 999 (that's UK 911 for my US readers). They are asking me to ring them urgently to confirm all is well. I ring them and profusely apologise.

Five minutes later two lovely policeman ring the doorbell. The call must have been too late. Oscar thinks it's fantastic - PC Plum from Balamory come to visit him. Again, I am red in the face and profoundly apologetic.

I need to get a phone lock or something. He's a demon child when it comes to telephones. Even though it was on the highest surface, he managed to get it. And dial 999. I hope to heaven that no one really needed the policemen at 12pm today. I wonder how often that happens.....

Only good thing - I know that the response is fast in my area - Oz made the call at around ten to twelve. I rang them at five to when I realised - and they arrived at 12 anyway....



Nic said...

Oscar!! Damn climbing babies and their obsession with telephones. At least you have nice policemen and 999 people in your area. Jack rang up once and they were telling Michael how they would charge us if he did it again. Gah!!
The BT diverse phones have keypad locks on them ;o)


Dixie said...

Ooo that sassy thing! But there's no way those nice policemen could have been mad once they got a look at that adorable Oscar.

Kirsti said...

That's what you get for posting such wonderful things about him yesterday. Oh, and Terry says that the 999 call is the only one you know about ... just wait til you get the phone bill and see all the calls to China!

So long, farewell! said...

That is fab! Little minx! Looks like we both had the law at our door yesterday!