Friday, January 12, 2007

Baby love


Kristina said...

Gorgeous :)

So long, farewell! said...

Awww, bless his teeny tiny little heart!

How scrummy is he?!

Anonymous said...

Oh so sweet! You look so happy Sal! He's an sweetie-pie! Ux

EG said...

Aww Sally he's gorgeous, and so are you, you look fab! I spent the first week of Joe's life looking like a complete zombie! Cuddles to you all! Ess. x

Unknown said...

He's very, very cute!!!

Anonymous said...

You look fab SAl and I'll say it again, he's scrummy :)))))

Dixie said...

Sal, you look terrific! So happy!

That little angel is just precious. How do you keep from just eating him up?

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!! You look WONDERUL girl!

Sasha said...

Wow, how amazing do you look and how utterly adorable is your son? Massive massive congrats on the safe arrival of Toby Toes. He is truly scrummy. Am very jealous of you having two boys!! Lucky lucky you.
Big big cuddles to your boys.

Anonymous said...

You both look wonderful! I just want to smother you both with hugs and kisses!

Sam said...

He's gorgeous Sal! You look so good, wearing that smile of complete and total adoration! I love his strawberry hat, makes him look even more scrumptious!