Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It went very well

Thank you for all the vibes - they obviously worked cos it went stormingly. I didn't take the boys with me which was the original plan - Mum would come with me and mind them while I auditioned and it would be an adventure for Oz....nope - insane idea. Instead Mum looked after them at home while Rob left work a bit early to be there. Thank God we did that cos Oz spent the afternoon puking - no idea why - he seems fine now - just puked a lot. Can you imagine that on public transport in Central London rush hour?

I got there early - it was wierd to be up in London again - haven't been up there in months - and it's the first time I'd left Toby when he was awake...I fed him like mad before I left so I knew he'd be ok.

Went in early - they were happy I was early so they could finish early - had a really good gossip about stuff with the director and casting director - just chatting really. Then started talking about the programme - I'm a huge fan and the director appreciated that.

Read the scene with the casting director reading in. The director gave me direction and we did it again and director was so pleased with what I did she said she knew exactly what I was thinking. Read another scene and I made an observation and she said "exactly". And then she told me I nailed it.

So I couldn't have done it better. This doesn't mean at all that I've got the part - I don't know how many others they saw, or what they're looking for.

And I'm sorry not to be specific about what the project is - it's kind of hush hush - they don't want the storyline leaked so I can't be anything but vague. It's a children's TV show but will probably be on prime time Saturday early evening. And it would be SO cool if I got it - Rob would be over the moon. That's all the clues I'll give and please don't guess in the comments in case anyone googles. If you want to email me I might tell you - or MSN me. I've got copies of the first two episodes now and could sell them online for a fortune! Or to a newspaper! But I won't.

I have NO idea when I'll hear - never do with these things. If I haven't heard a peep in the next two weeks I'll assume it's a no. But whatever happens - I didn't feel like a mummy this afternoon, I felt like an actor (albeit one with engorged boobs) and I know I did a really good audition - and considering I haven't auditioned for over a year, it's nice to know I've still got it!

Thanks again for the good luck vibes - they worked!


Anonymous said...

Welldone Sal! Will keep everything crossed for the next couple of weeks too! Uxx

Anonymous said...

You deserve it x Pearl

Sasha said...

Woooohooooooo!!!!!!!!! Good on you pleased for you. Bet you're on a high still. Am sure things will go your way....fingers crossed.

Clare Griffiths said...

this is great news. i'm keeping fingers crossed now!