Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So much for more time!

I've been rubbish haven't I! Not posted for ages.....I haven't been on the computer much to be honest - third trimester knackeredness has hit with a vengeance, plus it's uncomfortable on the seat in front of the computer. I keep meaning to find my big birthing ball from last time and wobble on that in front of the puter! It's in the loft somewhere.

All is well here though. Oz is alternately a demon or an angel - sure I've written that before. My lovely Mum is here at the moment so she's entertaining him in his new room - he still hasn't slept in the bed - it's too much a novelty still!

Went to my local JobCentre today to get my Maternity Allowance form checked over - waste of time. It's a grim place - chock full of huge security guards - three of whom stopped me in about 10 foot asking to see my appointment card. I kept explaining that I'd made the appointment by phone - they must have a lot of aggro in there - and I'm not surprised - it's a depressing place. I had to wait half an hour before being told by the woman that it looked alright to her, she'd never done one of these forms before, she was income support, but that she'd send it off and they'd write to me if there was a problem. I patiently explained that that was the reason I'd made an appointment - to ensure that there wasn't any inconsistencies or missing information. I asked if there was anyone else who could help me...she said no. WASTE of time.

We had a lovely weekend though - one of our oldest friends, Simon, came down with his wife Yuki and their daughter Lillia. She's an angel - 7 months old. They stayed overnight on Sunday as they had an appointment at the Japanese Embassy on Monday to get Lillia's passport. Here's Yuki and the beautiful girl....and then Daddy and Daughter flaked out on the floor!

Here's a pic of Oscar on Halloween - the only one i managed to get before he refused to put the costume on again - he didn't like it!

In other news....LAB still isn't pulling them in - despite us offering FREE entry this week! We only had 1 customer. What do we have to do? Pay them to come? I'm trying to hang in there and keep positive but it's very demoralising. On the up side, met a wonderful woman, Remi, who is going to be our life coach - she's fab. She thinks we're doing brilliantly so I believe her.

Erm - what else have i been doing? I can't bloomin remember. Congrats to Bobbie whose son arrived this week.....Happy Birthday to Pearl for Friday....erm.....general lurve all around to everyone - and Mum is fab (I know she reads this you see!). She's just hoovered Oscar's bedroom.....hoorah!


Anonymous said...

Glad you are okay darlin, I was going to ring you today if you hadn't posted just to see how you were doing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks honey!

Just remember it is always darkest before the dawn (but the dawn always comes!)

There is no guarantee that your business will be a success - like everything in life there are risks and problems - but you are already a success because you are taking a chance - give it everything you;ve got and even if things don't work out the way that you had planned you will gain so much from this experience xxxx Pearl