Well hello blogosphere. I've been neglecting you as usual. So here's a quick catch up. Kirsti went home and I was heartbroken but not as heartbroken as the boys. They LOVE their Auntie! Hopefully she'll come back over the summer. She made half term into heaven which is a rarity in my world! So thank you sis. You're amazing.
I've been waiting for weeks to hear if I was going to be cast in a theatre tour - 15 weeks of around the country touring in a fantastic comedy. They still haven't told me either way - the director wants me, the producer wants someone else who has more telly credits. But I decided today that I can't accept it, even if they offer it to me - they start rehearsals in 2 weeks and I just can't uproot my life with that short notice. Gutted though!
Bright Star is out on DVD by the way - I am in it (for about 10 seconds) but it is also a beautiful film so go and hire/buy it and enjoy!
Had a parents meeting at Oscar's school last week and one at Toby's this morning. Oscar is getting there- he was awarded the Headteacher's Award last week and was Special Person in his class this week. We've started the assessment process to see if he has ADHD or anything and I'm trying to remember (with help from good friends) not to immediately assume he has got a diagnosable condition - he might just be an energetic young boy in Year One when children a week younger than him are still playing in Reception. I'm open to anything and glad that the process has started.
Toby is being angelic at school (I know! One of my boys?) and they're really impressed with his imagination and vocabulary and love of books. Hoorah! His behaviour is SO much better since he turned 3. He still has his moments but generally the threat of time out is enough to turn him round. Gone are the days of 40 minute tantrums in public (thank God). He still has his moments though -especially with his brother. One minute they're sharing and playing beautifully, then next they're drawing blood. But I think this is normal......
I'm quite tired at the moment. Work is stressful and upsetting due to staff illness, I'm spreading myself all over with Governors and PTA at School....I need a holiday! One plus side of not getting the Tour means I'll definitely be going over the pond again for my annual week off from motherhood - hopefully in August - Rob has (foolishly?) decided he'd like to have single parent control of the boys in school holidays. I personally think he's bonkers but he'd rather not do the school run and just have less structure to the days. Idea of bliss for me - a week off in the summer hols and the chance of some sunshine in Detroit.....though is that a good thing?
I'm listening to loads of music at the moment - using it as a de-stresser.....though am worryingly obsessed with the Boyzone song "Gave it all away"...in my defence it was written by Mika which is probably why I love it....
Ok Toby is pretending to be an alien hamster - I need to supervise........
Will try and post more often (yeah right....)