Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I know, I know, I should be posting photos....but I haven't taken any! Kirsti is here and is lovely and HOORAH she got her visa so she can go back to America. We had a marvellous time at Olivia's birthday party in the park yesterday so thank you Susannah for that.

Am wrestling with Oscar who is sitting next to me but will try and post a more detailed (and photographic) post later. But I just had to share this

Your Pirate Name Is...
Mad Hairy Legs


Clare said...

Hehe, I was Lord Busty Bertha, cool! :)

Dixie said...

Lieutenant-Colonel Wicked Wilma here!

And yay for Kirsti!!

Anonymous said...

I'm either Mad Wicked Willie


Arch-Pirate Sweet Waters

x Pearl