Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Some waffling..and more cosmic ordering

I want to waffle...I haven't blogged for a while...so here I am...lots of minutiae to share (have I spelled that right?) and nothing major.....

I'm doing Christmas theme in teaching this week. And giving out chocolates after class so I'm very popular. And I also got given chocolates - twice! Which made me feel very loved and special! My first proper "teacher" presents.....totally bad for the diet but hey - it's Christmas!

Someone stole the Comic Relief Red Nose off my car today. Now I know - Comic Relief was ages ago - and I'm quite amazed no one has stolen it before- but I miss it. And so does Oscar.

Toby is Mr Contrary Pants today. Everything I say is the opposite. "I don' wanna" is the continuous whine. I told him to put his coat on "don wanna put coat on" so I said he'd get cold "don wanna get cold" SO PUT THE FRICKIN COAT ON!!! ARGHHHHHHH

And breathe.

I got loads of Christmas cards in the post today which makes me feel immensely guilty as I haven't sent any for about 2 years. I assumed that would take me OFF people's lists but no - they are still much nicer people than I am and continue to send festive cheer through the Royal Mail.....and I'm ever so grateful. Will try harder next year I promise.....

I got a new sofa today. A while ago Rob was taking the piss out of the Cosmic Ordering System - a la Noel Edmonds. Regular readers may remember I experimented with the Ordering system a while ago and asked for a healthy baby and a new car. I got both. And the new car was so not on the cards at the time I asked for it. It's consistently the post that gets googled the most on my blog!

And so I told Rob I'd try again and I wanted a new sofa. I have wanted one for ages - a leather one - but there's no point buying one as the boys will only wreck it..but I still watch those DFS adverts and wish....

And last night, on Facebook, a Netmum who I met for the first time on Saturday (and got on with immediately) was asking if anyone wanted a black leather sofa in excellent condition. I got on the phone, found a man and van round the corner who could pick it up for £50. They did so - we couldn't get it in the house but after they removed the banisters we got my lovely new sofa in! In the meantime I put my old sofa on Freecycle and half an hour after the new one was in, the old one was gone.
My lovely new black leather sofa!

Love it. All fell into place (although the banister is now even more rickety than it was but it needed replacing anyway....) with remarkable ease....and the universe answered my request again...

I almost don't want to push it by asking for anything else! I also don't really NEED anything else.....but try it - really do - even if you feel silly! In my original request I made up a poem. For the sofa I just asked out loud in my kitchen. I did say please. Maybe that helped...Let me know if it works for you!!!

What else....I had loads of things in my head when I started.....


I am very grateful to Starbucks UK for not scrimping on Eggnog this year - last year you couldn't get a Nog Latte for love nor money - this year you can and I have been indulging a bit...my weight has stayed the same for the last two weeks (sort of....I put on a pound and a half then took it off a week later) and I'm not going to WW this week as I'm singing at Toby's preschool party......and I have been given choccies twice! Ah well....it's Christmas.

Rob has the week off next week and we've got lots of festive fun planned. On Monday Oz and I are going to my friend Pearl's christmas do at her office (we're pretending Oz is her Godson so he can get in!) and I hope to grab some sushi while in town....Tuesday I'm hoping to see my dear dear chum Red who lives in Dubai - we must have been related in a previous life as I am so attached to her it must be sisterhood. Wednesday we are going to Selfridges to see Santa and the Christmas lights and Thursday we're off to the panto at Greenwich. Then it's Christmas! Lovely!

How many times have I said Christmas in this post....I'll stop waffling now - go order something cosmically and tell me how you get on!


Nic said...

Oooh nice sofa!! I need to try this. I want a leather sofa and chairs. Is that asking too much of old Noel ;) I am fed up of washing the covers of our sofa and chairs and have afeeling they are now starting to smell after children and their stuff and a mucky husband.
I shall go to bed and dream of sofas and chairs and let you know!
Have a fun week and a happy Christmas

Anonymous said...

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

Leather sofa