Thursday, January 31, 2008

Toby Tantrums

He's hard work at the you can see

Things have been stressful again here - I threw my back out this week at aerobics - twisted my pelvis - which meant Rob had to take time off work as I couldn't move, let alone look after the boys. He's back at work today and I can finally stand up straight instead of looking like a banana....

My mother to the rescue as usual - got me in with her amazing chiropractor and I'm seeing her again this afternoon. What would I do without my mother.

Feels like a curse has been put on this house when it comes to health. So any good vibes/prayers/magic fairy dust is much appreciated.....

1 comment:

So long, farewell! said...

sending happy healthy fairy dust your way to improve the house health :o)

Maybe fung shui your health/family corner to kick start the road to recovery for you all?

Hope things get better soon - that's a mighty tantrum from the boy :o)
