Friday, October 05, 2007

He did it!!

Toby crawled forward today. After about 6 weeks of getting up on his hands and knees....and going backwards - he went forwards in a combo crawl/belly flop. Kind of like that breakdance move the caterpillar - belly push up, use hands to move forward, belly push up....knees used for commando style's quite a unique movement and I will do my best to get it on camera so you can see.


1 comment:

So long, farewell! said...

Go Toby Go!

Can you tell him to have a word of encouragement with Roxie - like her ma she seems keen to chat but not actually get off her arse :o)

Sorry I was out when you called and sorry I sounded like a heavy breather - it ain't easy carrying 22lbs of lurve over wet sand!

Catch up in the week?
