Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A good day...fingers crossed for tonight

So Toby had a bad night on Tuesday and then yesterday all day he was really whiny. I went to Bromley in the morning to do some shopping and meet my friends for coffee - he wouldn't settle, wouldn't sleep or feed so I had to leave the coffee and walk round with him in the buggy -he was whiny and clingy all afternoon too. I forgot to bring any lunch for him so breastfed him. I think that might have been the problem And he had a big dinner of chicken and sweet potato and 2 petits filous.

And he slept well again - woke up at 3. (Course he woke up again at 5 after that and wouldn't really settle back down so I was knackered today but that's another story -see below).

So today I made sure I fed him at lunchtime. Went to the gym and swam with Clare - then fed Toby in a highchair in the cafe - he looked so grown up! Then picked Oz up and they both - shock of shocks - went to sleep in their beds at THE SAME TIME!!! Of course Toby only slept for half an hour but I got loads done - he's quite a light sleeper and usually sleeps in the swing downstairs or his baby bjorn chair - and I have to tiptoe around him. Today he was upstairs I got loads of cleaning done and tidied up.

When he did wake up after 30 minutes he sat in front of Baby Mozart for 2 rotations so I could finish doing my chores and stuff.

Oz woke up at 3 - my new boss came round from the magazine with her daughter who is a bit older than Oz - they bonded instantly over Peppa Pig so Abigail and I could do some work.

For dinner Toby had a big bowl of pasta with spinach in cheese sauce - I whipped up a batch yesterday - his first pasta - and he loved it. Oz had scrambled egg and bacon - one of his favourites for either sunday breakfast or dinner in the week.

Toby has been really good and smiley - he had a power nap this afternoon - I just feel really in control of them both today and really happy. I got stuff done. They had nice days. They both slept and ate well. All is good. I need to make sure I always have lunch for Toby on me - I think that was the key to the difference in his behaviour today.

Rob hasn't smoked since Sunday. Another thing to be happy about. Let's hope this good feeling lasts the night!

The 5am thing - I think he's got into the habit of waking at 5, getting a cuddle from me and then getting taken into our bed. I've been doing it because I'm so tired and if I pop the boob in his mouth then he dozes off again and we both doze fitfully until 7. Now this morning he didn't need feeding but was definitely using me as a dummy. So I'm going to try and break this habit and settle him back in his cot in the early hours and if he won't settle I'm going to wake Rob up so he can do it. And stop bringing him into our bed. It's lovely to snuggle but it means I don't get much sleep from 5am onwards and he should sleep longer too.

Watch this space!


Clare Griffiths said...

fingers crossed! J is zonked out. 13oz of milk have tired him out. He is asleep on me as I type.

Bobbie said...

You sound like you're having a much better of it, so hooray. There's just that bit more to remember to do having one more child. Hope the zen calmness and happy days continue. xxxx