Saturday, December 17, 2005

At Gambado again

Thank god they have computers. And it's Saturday so Rob is entertaining Oscar. It's quite busy here though and I have a stonking headache.

So what to tell - did I write that I have officially passed my Monkey Music training? I can't remember....well I did - it all went really really well - I had great fun and I start teaching on the 7th January. I've got a shopping list a mile long of props I need to get - having problems finding an elephant! There's a song which has a camel, an elephant, a dolphin and a pony in it....and I have to find dressing up clothes too for the older age group! Scary but exciting. I really can't wait to get started.

Oscar and I seem to be developing a cold today - he was a bit feverish yesterday and very snotty. I feel rough today.

We've got a Christmas party to go to tomorrow with all my friends I met at my GP's post-natal group. I'm going to do a Monkey Music session (which may become a frequent thing at parties now...) and have made CDs for all the babies as presents (we're SO skint)

Rob is off work from Wednesday - can't wait - so I can get some family time and a lie in or two!

Saw Narnia last night - I really enjoyed it! Awfully British stiff upper lip fairy story. Very festive.

That's all I can think of. I can't afford to get my computer fixed at the will log on from remote locations whenever I can.....

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