Saturday, August 13, 2005

Oscar's birthday party - part 1

Oscar eating his first birthday cake... Posted by Picasa

Just a quickie as I'm exhausted. Oscar had his first birthday party today (a bit early as his birthday is the 24th but I wanted my sister to be there). As you can see from the above picture, he really enjoyed the cake part.

We had an amazing day - so many people came and I'm so grateful. But I have to publicly say how AMAZING my sister is - I couldn't have got through the last two days without her. She cleaned my house, she looked after me on Friday when I was sick so I could sleep long enough to be well enough to go to the Big Brother final (more on that later Ty). Today she helped set up the party - did ALL the cooking. Was generally an absolute angel.

I couldn't ask for a better sister and Oscar has the best aunt in the world.

So for you K - I owe you so much. Your heart is so big. You are wonderful and I thank you.

More party stuff tomorrow when I've recovered....thanks to everyone who came and made it such a memorable day for all of us - we'll never forget it!


Nic said...

Lol at Oscar!! He looks like he was enjoying the cake. Hope you had a great day little man!!
Looking forward to the BB update Sal. I watched out for you. Did you have lots of fun?

Hope you're all recovering from the party and bb. Three cheers for Kirsti!


Anonymous said...

what a cutie! i prefer to eat my cake that way as well, but no one tolerates it from a 28 year old. ;)

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Mauren Mureaux said...


That photo is simply priceless!!

WTG, Oscar!!


Dixie said...

He just couldn't be more adorable! And your sister is just amazing!