Saturday, February 19, 2005

I've finally succumbed

HELLO WORLD many people I know are doing these blog things. I resisted...told myself I don't have the time...but then again, I've always wanted to journal my life and never managed to do it on cyberspace may be the way forward.

I will do my damndest to keep this up to date and regular. So bear with me.

Where the hell do I start!!!

Ok. I'm Sally. I live in London, England. I'm an actor ( - it's hopelessly out of date!). I'm a mother. I've been the former for longer than I can remember, I've been the latter since August and it seems like forever.

I've got a little boy called Oscar and he's amazing. Totally amazing. And exhausting. I'm trying to work out how to attach a picture so bear with me..... He was born on August 24th 2004 and I'll write the birth story here one day....

I've just got a job on the Basil Brush show ( an English icon is Basil Brush - a cheeky, slightly camp fox...I'm going to be playing an ex-olympic wrestling champion who goes insane. I get all the glamorous jobs.

Ok - for a first post this is going to be it so I can see how it looks.....

Bear with me. I promise to try and be more interesting soon!

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